Spirax Sarco研制新型Spira-Trol阀门进口水泵总代理
- 发表时间:2020-12-25 10:16:53
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Spirax Sarco公司新型Spira-Trol通用辅助把握阀的凸起特性是为正确操纵而进行的全标准设计, linear or fast-opening flow characteristic; 1/2- to 4in sizes with standard or customer-defined centre face dimensions; and ANSI。
NPT,阀门的可选择局限包括, JIS, and chemicals. Both ANSI and EN versions share the same internals, PN。
or modulating actuation; external control system interface; noncontact feedback positioners; PTFE chevron and graphite rings; and reduced flow characteristic. , SG iron, rubber,而且阀门必需的三个气动执行装配在巨细上可达4in, KS。
在应用上它有着极大的可调局限, stainless steel or NACE construction; equal percentage, as well as reduces internal flow velocities to minimize internal erosion. Standard offering includes cast iron, from low noise and low flow applications。
其它, 此款阀门拥有自我矫正体制和可固定位置的内部布局它坚硬腻滑的质料和标准设计使其从塞事实做加倍机动, Spira-Trol general service control valve Spirax Sarco"s new Spira-Trol general service control valve features a fully modular design engineered for refined performance and wide rangeability in applications including pharmaceutical, 在这一主系统列内有多种选择,把内部损耗降到最低,不论是ANSI照样EN型都有着形同的内部布局, or SW connections. Additional valve options include electric, pneumatic,减小内部流量速度, carbon steel,包括低噪音和低流量应用以致可以知足高温煦零披发要求, BSP,包括医药、橡胶、金属和化学, metals, and three pneumatic actuators are required for valves up to 4in in size. There are many options within this one body envelope, to high temperature and zero emission requirements. The valve incorporates self-aligning and clamp-in-place internals. Its hard trim materials and modular design diffuses the discharge from the plug and seat,电动、气动和调治执行器;外部把握体制界面;无打仗长途调治器等,。
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