Alps Electric 研发系列新型微型泵阀进口阀门
- 发表时间:2020-12-25 02:35:25
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Alps Electric研发了系列新型燃料电池系统微型泵和微型阀。Alps已经开始通过泵和阀的发展进入新能源市场,因为泵和阀是控制和运行燃料电池系统内部燃料的必备辅助器,比如,甲醇。Alps已经通过结构设计工艺优化了其整体性的设计,比如除控制功能之外的仿真模拟分析。这些特性以及高精度处理工艺有助于产品的微型化。
Micropumps and valves
Alps Electric has developed a range of micropumps and microvalves for fuel cell systems. Alps has commenced its approach to the new energy market through the development of pumps and valves, which are auxiliary machines that circulate or control fuel like methanol within the fuel cell system. Alps has optimised its designs through structural design technologies such as structure analysis simulation in addition to control technology. These features, along with high-precision processing technologies have helped to miniaturise these products. The micropump is 6.0mm in diameter and 24.0mm in length, the microvalve measures 3.5mm in diameter and 10.3mm in length (excluding the nozzle). The products are small but ensure high functionality by incorporating fluid, structure and magnetic field analysis simulations. Development will contribute to enhanced miniaturisation, an indispensable prerequisite for portable device fuel cells. Through the optimal design of diaphragm operations, valve configuration to prevent fluid backflow, materials and layout, Alps has achieved the effective control of larger amounts of fluid in a smaller chassis for its micropump. The unit also employs low-voltage electromagnetic drive systems, which contribute to easy control and fuel cell system engineering.
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