- 发表时间:2020-12-14 21:46:31
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Gas booster pump using low-pressure gas a large area of the piston end driven and produce the high pressure fluid of small area of the piston end. Can be used for compressed air and other gases, the output pressure can be adjusted by a pressure driven stepless. Here we see the gas booster pump pressure ratio:
Pressurized gas booster pump than the actual driven piston and the high pressure piston (or plunger) area ratio. The gas booster pump driven pressure requirements for 0.3-0.8MPa, for a booster pump, pressure ratio is fixed, the driving pressure of 0.3-0.8MPa, is not about 0.3MPa and 0.8MPa, increase the output pressure of the pressure pump is the same the output pressure is, change according to the change of the driving pressure, so not only the maximum output pressure gas booster pump in the selection, also want to see the factory compressed air supply conditions.
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