- 发表时间:2020-12-07 11:07:35
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1.According to the clean purification standard of the indoor requirements, the efficiency of the final air efficient filter is determined, and the combination series and the efficiency of air efficient air filter are selected reasonably.If the indoor requirements are generally purified, the initial efficiency filter can be adopted;If the interior requires medium purification, the first and medium efficiency filters should be adopted.If the interior requires ultra-clean purification, it should be filtered by primary, medium and high efficiency,reasonable and should be properly matched hepa filter efficiency, at all levels if the efficiency difference between two levels of high efficiency air filter is too large, the former level of hepa filter is not to the level of protection and high efficiency filter.
2. Measure the dust and particle characteristics of outdoor air correctly.Because efficient filters are used to filter outdoor air into the chamber, the dust of outdoor air is a very important data. Especially in the multi-stage purification filtration treatment, the selection of the pre-efficient air filter should be decided after comprehensive consideration of the environment, spare parts cost, operation energy consumption, maintenance and supply.
3.Determine the characteristics of high efficiency filters correctly.The characteristics of high efficiency filter are filtration efficiency, resistance, penetration rate, dust tolerance, filtration wind speed and air volume. In the case of allowable conditions, high efficient air filter with high efficiency, low resistance, high dust tolerance, moderate filtration wind speed, large air volume, convenient installation and low price are required. This is to consider the economic analysis needs of one-time investment and secondary investment and energy efficiency in the selection of air efficient air filter.
4.Analyze the nature of dust gas.The properties of dust gases associated with the selection of air efficient filters are mainly the quantities of temperature, humidity, acid-base and organic solvents. Because some efficient filter allows use at high temperatures, and some efficient filter can only work under normal temperature, constant humidity, efficient filter and dust gas containing acid and alkali and organic solvent quantity has an effect on the performance of high efficiency air filter efficiency.
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